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2016四年级英语下册Unit5 Free Time教案资源

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-05-09 22:49:13

课本上有很多内容需要大家学习,只有掌握好的方法才能学好这些知识,课前预习的时候阅读教案可以帮助大家掌握重点内容,下面学大教育网为大家带来2016四年级英语下册Unit5 Free Time教案资源,希望能够帮助大家。


本课时的教学内容为新起点英语四年级下册第五单元的第一课时,教材50页内容,即A Look, listen and repeat, B Ask and answer, C Let’s write。 A部分借助对话录音和图片呈现5个目标词汇:go for a picnic, play the violin, go camping, go skating, do the housework等有关课余生活的短语;并让学生看、听、说、做等途径来感知并学习这些词汇。B部分通过问和答活动,帮助学生操练新授的词组,并体会它们在交际情景中的运用。C部分要求学生能够读懂问句,并根据自身实际情况,选择本课所学词汇或运用已学词汇完成句子填空,同时强化良好的英文书写习惯。


学生通过二年级下册第一单元Playtime、第三单元After school Activities、第五单元Family Activities、四年级上册第一单元Sports and Game的学习,掌握了一些动词词汇。为这节课的顺利学习打下基础。



1. 能够听懂、会说 go for a picnic, play the violin, go camping, go skating, do the housework等有关课余生活的短语;能够根据语境恰当使用它们,并能借助拼读规律认读并识记单词和短语。

2. 能够用What do you do in your free time? I often …询问、回答有关课余生活的信息。

3. 能够根据自己的实际情况,选择本课所学词汇或运用已学词汇完成句子填空,同时强化良好的英文书写习惯。

4. 能够通过课堂交流,了解课余生活可以丰富我们的生活。



能够听懂、会说 go for a picnic, play the violin, go camping, go skating, do the housework等有关课余生活的短语。


能够用What do you do in your free time? I often …询问、回答有关课余生活的信息。


1. 热身(唱一唱)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Fan.

T: Do you like playing games?

Ss: Yes!

T: Let’s play a Bomb game. (点击课件)


T: Let’s sing a song. (点击课件,出现第四单元的歌曲) Can you sing?

Ss: Yes!

T: Let’s sing together.

设计意图:复习第四单元的功能句I like … 及动词词汇。

T: We’ve talked about your hobbies before. I know you like doing many activities. When do you do these things?

S: …

T: We do the things we like after school, on the weekend or during vacations. Yes?

S: Yes!

T: This time is our free time. (点击课件,出现free time单词) How to read these two words?



T: What does ee say?

Ss: /i:/

T: Good! How to read this word?

Ss: /fri:/

T: Right! Free time is the time you have for hobbies and other activities that you enjoy. Today we are going to talk about your free time. (板书课题)

2. 学习(学一学,练一练)


①教学go for a picnic

T: Look! These are our old friends. Who are they in the picture?

S: …

T: What are they doing? They are going for a picnic, (点击课件,出现go for a picnic) picnic.

Ss: picnic

T: What does c say?

Ss: /k/

T: Super! What else can you see in the picture?

S: …

T: What do you need to take with when you go for a picnic?

S: …

T: Our old friends are going for a picnic. What are they talking about? Guess!

S: …

T: Look at our topic. What are they talking about?

Ss: Free time.

T: Cool!


②教学go camping

T: Who is he?

Ss: Andy.

T: What does Andy do in his free time? Guess!

S: Make a model plane.

T: Yes. Any more?

S: …

T: Look! What’s this? A tent. What does Andy do in his free time? (点击课件,出现Go camping) How to read the word? (出现camp)

Ss: camp

T: What does a say?

Ss: /æ/

T: Yes! Go camping

Ss: Go camping

T: What do you need to take with when you go camping?


T: Where do you go camping?


T: Andy often goes camping in his free time. What about Lily?

设计意图:由学习的一个词组go camping拓展开去,引发学生利用已有的生活经验去说。

③教学go skating

T: Lily likes reading. What else does she do in her free time? (点击课件,出现Lily滑冰及skate) How to read these two words? (点击课件,出现game 和cake)

Ss: game cake

T: What does a-e say?

Ss: /ei/

T: How to read the word?

S: /skeit/

T: Right! How to read the phrase? (点击课件,出现词组go skating)

S: go skating

T: Good! Look at the pictures. What are these? Skateboards?

Ss: Yes!

T: Xiyangyang is skateboarding or skating.

Ss: Xiyangyang is skateboarding.

T: Is she skateboarding?

Ss: No.

T: What is she doing?

Ss: skating

T: What can you find? Are they the same?

S: …

设计意图:将本单元的skate和第四单元的skateboarding 进行对比,让学生明白两者不一样,表达不一样。

④教学do the housework

T: Who is he?

Ss: Mike.

T: What is Mike doing? He is ______. (教师做动作)

S: …

T: He does the work in the house. So we call it ___

S: …

T: housework

S: housework

T: What housework can you do?

S: seep the floor/ clean the windows/…

T: Wonderful! You are so helpful.

设计意图:在学习do the housework的时候复习巩固以前学习过的家务活动的相关词组。

⑤教学play the violin

T: What’s this?

Ss: 小提琴

T: /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/

Ss: /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/

T: This is a ____.

Ss: /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/

T: Who can play the violin?

S: I.

T: What can you play?


T: Good! XX can play the violin. Look! Who can play the violin in our old friends? Andy? …

S: XX can play the violin.

T: Look! Joy can play the violin. What musical instrument do you play?

S: I can play the …

T: Look here. What musical instrument is it?

S: It’s …

T: Good. We can say: play the erhu/… What can you find?

S: 乐器前面要用play the

T: Great! Now let’s look at the picture and talk in pairs. Please use: What do you do in your free time, XX? I often …


(2)Ask and answer

T: Let’s ask and answer. First let’s see how to ask and answer. (点击课件)


T: Are you clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s go.


(3)Let's write

T: Look! This is my answer. What about yours? Please write down your answer.


1. Read the words to your parents.

2. Ask your parents’ about their activities in their free time.

3. Write down the dialogue between you and your parents.




学大教育网为大家精心准备了2016四年级英语下册Unit5 Free Time教案资源,希望大家能够认真阅读,想要获取更多的教案资讯,请查阅学大教育网。

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