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2016沪教版一年级英语下册课文Unit 5 Doctor and nurse说课稿

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-05-09 19:04:06

说课稿对我们学习有很大的帮助,能够让我们掌握老师所讲内容中的重点知识,这样大家在学习的时候就能做到有的放矢了,下面学大教育网为大家带来2016沪教版一年级英语下册课文Unit 5 Doctor and nurse说课稿,供大家阅读和参考,希望能对大家有帮助。


1. 词汇:say

2. 词组: listen to me. open your mouth.

say “ah”.

3. 句型:1) listen to me.

2)open your mouth.

3) say “ah”.


1. using imperatives to give simple instructions.

eg: listen to me.


1. using imperatives to give simple instructions.

eg: listen to me.


pre-task preparation

1. say a chant

2. t: what animal can you see?

p: i see…

t: in the zoo, i see monkeys and birds. what do you see in the hospital?

p: i see a doctor, nurse…

if you’re the doctor/ nurse, introduce yourself.

p: i am a doctor. i am tall/short/

t: i’m a doctor. i want to see the boy’s throat. what shall i do?

while-task procedure

1. (lead in): open your mouth.

1) read the sentence.

★2) practice 1: make some sentences. open your eyes. open your books. open your pencil-box….

t: i want to see your throat. open your mouth.

p: do the action

p2: hello, …open your mouth.

p3: do the action.

2. (lead in): say “ah”

t: …, open your mouth and say “ah”.

(on board) say “ah”

1) ★read the sentence

2) ★practice 1: give the commands eg: say “one”, say “hello”

3) ★practice 2: t: hello, … open your mouth. say “ah” oh, a sore throat

p!: hello, … open your mouth. say “ah”.

p2: do the action. (one by one)

3. (lead in) listen to me.

t: boys and girls, you all did a good job. let’s listen to the music.


1) read the words and phrases.. listen with ears. listen to me…

2) make some phrases. listen to ________. listen to the dog.

3) a chant.

listen to the dog. “wang-wang”

listen to the cat. “miao-miao”

listen to the duck. “ga-ga”

listen to the cow. “moo-moo”

post-task activities:

1. listen to the tape and read after it.

2. according to the situation and make a dialogue

★tim is sick. he is in the hospital. the doctor is examining him.

a: hello, doctor.

b: hello. listen to me. open your mouth. say “ah”

a: “ah”

b: you have got a cold.


1. listen to the tape and repeat.

2. try to make a new dialogue.

上文是学大教育网精心为大家准备的2016沪教版一年级英语下册课文Unit 5 Doctor and nurse说课稿,希望我们能够从阅读说课稿中获得进步,更多的说课稿请关注学大教育网。

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